Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Walt Disney Company (DIS)

Walt Disney Company

Walt Disney Company


Yüksek: 90.08

Düşük: 0

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The Walt Disney Company — one of the biggest financial conglomerates in entertainment industry. It was founded in 1923 as a small animation studio and now it owns many amusement parks, several tele-radio channels, two aqua parks, and the biggest film studio in the world. Also considered in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The company has earned its fame thanks to its cartoons and game movies; the first thematic park was opened in 1995. In 1983 the first cable TV channel was launched — the Disney Channel, the next year the newly formed studio’s (Touchstone Pictures) movie would be released — “Splash”. In 1988 it becomes the world’s leader in box office. The company continues to develope both in movie industry buying one studio after another and in TV-radio industry. The company owns several TV chains. The market capitalization of the company exceeds 235 billion USD.

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