Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Adobe Systems Incorporated (ADBE)

Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Systems Incorporated


Yüksek: 338.54

Düşük: 0

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Adobe Systems Inc. is an American corporation, a major software developer. It was founded in California in 1982. Almost immediately, the company came to success after the release of PostScript. In 1988, the company released its hit - Adobe Photoshop, and in 1991 - another breakthrough product: Adobe Premiere.In 1993, the revolutionary PDF format was released and the program for working with it was Acrobat Reader, and Adobe Premiere 3.0 was able to fully work with video.The company opened international branches around the world, but because of the financial crisis in 1998 it was nearly bought by competitors from Quark Inc. At the moment, Adobe Systems Inc. is a leading manufacturer of graphic design, web and print products, design with annual revenues approaching $ 4 billion. Included in the 500 largest companies in the world. Almost 100% of the company is in free float.

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