Bugünkü hisse fiyatı Automatic Data Processing (ADP)

Automatic Data Processing

Automatic Data Processing


Yüksek: 247.05

Düşük: 0

Piyasa durumu

İşlem hacmine göre alınan ve satılan lot sayısının oranı

Veriler her 10 dakikada bir güncellenir

Seller Buyer

Automatic Data Processing is an American manufacturer of personnel management software. Until 2014, it was a provider of computer services for automotive and heavy machinery. One of the first companies in history to receive the highest credit rating from Standard & Poor's and Moody's. It was founded in 1949 under Automatic Payrolls, Inc. changed its name and became public in 61. The company used punch cards, check printing machines and mainframes in those years. In 1985, the company's profit exceeded one billion dollars. As the largest provider of human resources services, the company provides money transfer services in the US, Canada, UK, France, the Netherlands, Australia, India and China.

Bu haftanın etkinlikleri

Saat Ülke Dönem Etkinlik Algı Tahmin Önceki
11 Ekim 2024
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Connected Tools

Adı Current price Son Değişiklik
Archer Daniels Midland Company 92.31000000
Asia 50 ADR Index Bldrs 10.14000000
Dev Mkts 100 ADR Index Bldrs 22.22500000
Emrg Mkts 50 ADR Index Bldrs 37.56000000
Aduro Biotech Inc 14.59500000
Europe 100 ADR Index Bldrs 21.57000000

